Making Google Fonts Faster in 2022

By: Sana Devs
2022, April 6

Google Fonts

If you use Google Fonts, a few additional steps can lead to much faster load times. Learn about preconnect, optimal placement, font display, preload, and more in this post.
In this article, I will show you how to:

  1. Choose the best way to import your Google Fonts
  2. Skip over some of the latency time for downloading fonts
  3. Fix flash-of-invisible text (FOIT)
  4. Self-host your fonts for faster speed and greater control

Anatomy of a Google Fonts request


Let’s take a step back and look at what is happening when you request from Google Fonts using a standard <link> copied from their website:

<link href= rel=stylesheet/>


Did you notice that the link is for a stylesheet and not a font file? If we load the link’s href into our browser, we see that Google Fonts loads a stylesheet of @font-face declarations for all the font styles that we requested in every character set that is available. Not all of these are used by default, thankfully.

Then, each @font-face declaration tells the browser to use a local version of the font, if available, before attempting to download the file from

Understanding this architecture will help us understand why certain strategies work better for making our site faster.


Should I use <link> or @import?

Sometimes it’s easier for us to get our custom fonts into our projects by importing them in the CSS:

@import url(“,700”);


Unfortunately, this makes our site load slower because we’ve increased the critical request depth for no benefit. In the network waterfall below, we can see that each request is chained – the HTML is loaded on line 1, which triggers a call to style.css. Only after style.css is loaded and the CSSOM is created will the CSS from Google fonts then be triggered for download. And as we learned in the previous section, that file must also be downloaded and read before the fonts themselves will be downloaded (the final 2 rows):

By moving our font request to the <head> of our HTML instead, we can make our load faster because we’ve reduced the number of links in the chain for getting our font files:

Warm up that connection faster with preconnect

Look closely at that last waterfall, and you might spy another inefficiency. Go ahead and try to find it before you keep reading…

We have a minimum of 2 separate requests to 2 different hosts — first for the stylesheet at, and then to a unique URL for each font hosted at

You may be asking yourself, “Why can’t I just use the direct link to the font?” Google Fonts are updated often so you might find yourself trying to load a font from a link that no longer exists pretty quickly. 🤦🏾

We can make one quick performance improvement by warming up the DNS lookup, TCP handshake, and TLS negotiation to the domain with preconnect:


<link rel=”preconnect” href=”” />

<link rel=”preconnect” href=”” crossorigin />

<link href=”″ rel=”stylesheet”/>


Note that the crossorigin attribute is needed for assets that are loaded in anonymous mode (like fonts). Otherwise, the preconnect will only perform the DNS lookup portion of the connection.


Why? If you don’t warm up the connection, the browser will wait until it sees the CSS call font files before it begins DNS/TCP/TLS:

This is wasted time because we KNOW that we will definitely need to request resources from By adding the preconnect, we can perform DNS/TCP/TLS before the socket is needed, thereby moving forward that branch of the waterfall:
What’s really cool is that I noticed that Google Fonts recently added the preconnect line in the HTML snippet they create for you. Now you no longer need to remember to add it when grabbing new fonts. To update legacy projects, just copy and paste this line before the <link> calling your font in your HTML:

<link rel=preconnect href= />

Preconnect to when using Google Fonts hosted fonts.
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